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Partner testimonials

Aajogo partners have happier clients & members
Talk with us
Aajogo is a plug-and-play intake process and a built-in sales machine. Their receptionists are naturally more gifted. And the receptionist training is good — they do a really nice job of teasing out the context.
Gyi Tsakalakis
As a service provider that hates the billable hour, I love that Smith has created a flexible service that focuses on providing value to its customers and not simply charging by the minute.
Kimberly Bennett
K Bennett Law
Aajogo screens my calls and allows the good potential clients through to be hired. I have saved a minimum of 4 hours a week and have confidence that no potential clients are missed — a great return on investment.
Jake Carlson
LifePlan Legal
Unlike answering services who just answer the phone and take a message, Aajogo actually learns about your business and becomes a trusted team member.
Josh Youngblood
Your clients deserve a human being to pick up the phone.
Jess Birken
Birken Law
Getting results for our clients is what we care about most. Having someone we trust to make a first impression and handle new leads is important. Our clients are happy with Aajogo and so are we.
Matt Burket


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